Beton Design - Fair-faced concrete



Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Favorit Glettbeton system and construction.

General questions

With something simple, fast, showy and durable, I would like to give my apartment a little renovation. Could you recommend something?
Favorit Glettbeton is a two-component mortar, available in 31 colors.rendelhető. Unique texture, concrete-like patterns can be achieved with relative ease and speed.

Is Glettbeton suitable only for walls?
Glettbeton system can be used to coat both horizontal and vertical surfaces. 

What is the layer thickness of Glettbeton? 
The Favorit Glettbeton coating system can be applied up to a thickness of 2 to 3 mm. The thickness of the coating depends largely on the surface roughness of the substrate. 

We are in the process of renovating our homes and want to coat our ceramic tile floor with Glettbeton to save time and money. Is it possible?
Yes, Favorit Glettbeton as a coating system is an excellent solution for renovations for tiles, gres or even a glass surface. The result is an aesthetic, smooth and durable coating.

Will my Gletted concrete surface look like bare concrete?
The surface covered with Favorit Glettbeton must be essentially smooth but not mirror smooth, with irregular, mottled, patterned patterns, thereby enhancing the concrete effect. 

I would like to cover the wall of our previously painted living room with Glettbeton. Can it be fixed?
Favorit Glettbeton also provides a durable, aesthetic finish that can be applied to painted surfaces.

I have long wanted colored concrete surfaces for my cosmetic salon. Does the 2-3 mm layer not crack on the wall?
I have long wanted colored concrete surfaces for my cosmetic salon. Does the 2-3 mm layer not crack on the wall?
At the required thickness and with the exact adherence to the construction technology, Glettbeton concrete coating never ruptures itself, as forming a hard, durable aesthetic coating on any material. However, if applied in a thickness of 5 mm or more, cracking may occur. Also, cracking may occur if the base layer is inadequate and / or moving, or if there is a technology or execution problem. Please consult our colleagues!

Can Glettbeton be used as a coating for drywall stoves?
On warm or warming gypsum board surfaces such as: stove covering cannot be used with gypsum concrete due to the movement due to temperature changes. The Ytong wall, on the other hand, can be coated with Glettbeton, but cracks may occur at the edges. To avoid this, we recommend using fiberglass joint reinforcement tape.


Application-related issues

How many people do I need to execute and with what division of labor?
A minimum of 2 people are required to complete the project. One of the principal mixes the material, cleans the implements, and checks the distribution and smoothness of the applied material. The other person applies and smoothes the material. For a team of 3, 2 people take alternately spreading, smoothing, and 1 person is responsible for mixing, cleaning and checking.

What is the temperature range in which the concrete can be applied?
Favorit Glettbeton system can be applied between 10 and 25 ° C. Above 20-22 ° C it is harder to work with Glettbeton because the mortar dries too fast. Too fast drying can be prevented by adding more resins.

Do I need to have a completely smooth surface if I want to cover with concrete?
When using Glettbeton, the smoother the surface, the better. It is advisable to fill in the larger surface irregularities or missing parts of the base layer with tile adhesive, and then apply Glettbeton after the bonding. This results in significant cost savings due to reduced use of Glettbeton quantity.

Can I only use Favorit's own primer or other materials?
Only Favorit Prim, Favorit Prim Plus and Favorit Prim Epoxy primers can be used when applying Glettbeton, and no other material is compatible with this coating system.

I have an old porous wall that I want to cover with concrete. Which Favorit primer should I use?
Apply Favorit Prim on porous surfaces.

I would like to cover waterproof plaster wall with Glettbeton concrete. In this case, a primer is required, and if so which one should I use?
Yes, it is absolutely necessary to apply primer and use Favorit Prim Plus primer on waterproof surfaces.

We would like to put Glettbeton in our bathroom, but we do not know what primer to use. Can you help me?
On surfaces exposed to moisture, such as shower enclosures, sinks, washbasins, or in general any porous surface (gypsum board, wood, brick, plaster, etc.) that is in regular contact with water and has not been pre-insulated, Favorit Prim Epoxy should be used.

How to make gypsum plaster wall joints nicely with Glettbeton so that nothing is visible?
After priming, before applying the first layer of Glettbeton, the joints and edges should be covered with fiberglass joint reinforcement tape to avoid rough surfaces.

How is Glettbeton mortar made?
As a general rule, powder and resin must be mixed in the proportions given in the Technical Data Sheet. Before opening the bucket of Glettbeton must be well shaken by rolling the bucket back and forth or tapping it from below and below. This is important because of the consistency (fluidity) of the mortar. First, the resin is poured and then the powder is carefully added with gentle stirring. Glettbeton can only be mixed with its own resin (component B) and must not be diluted with water. Mixing should be done slowly while scraping the material on the bucket wall and working it into the mortar. The mortar can only be mixed with the cleaned drill bit. Wash the drill bit immediately after mixing.

What texture should I mix with Glettbeton?
As a general rule, powder and resin must be mixed in the proportions given in the Technical Data Sheet. However, the proportion of Glettbeton components can be slightly modified. Thinner mortar should be applied on a horizontal surface. Above 20-22 ° C it is harder to work with Glettbeton because the mortar dries too fast. Too fast drying can be prevented by adding more resins.

Can I use a conventional trowel and trowel to make Glettbeton or just the Inox tools you recommend?
Finishing, smoothing can be done with traditional special tools, but is not recommended. Glettbeton has a different material composition than ordinary mortar, which makes it much harder to work with conventional tools and darkens the coating. According to the experience of our contractor, the Favorit Glettbeton spatule (25 cm) is easier to work with, easier to work with and faster to achieve the desired surface effect.

Are there any recommended construction techniques for implementing the design?
During application, the Favorit Glettbeton spatule (25 cm) must be spread and smoothed in all directions, irregularly. The pattern (structuring) of the final (looking) surface can be made even more characteristic by applying a partial amount of material (in patches) and by compacting and smoothing the coating.

Do you have any special techniques for using the trowel you recommend?
When applying the mortar to the surface, the Favorit Glettbeton spatule should be held at a higher angle and then at a much more inclined angle when troweling, ie at a smaller angle. When applying Glettbeton, the Favorit Glettbeton trowel must be pressed firmly on both surfaces to obtain a dense, hard, durable coating. If the surface is very dusty when sanding, this is a sign that the coating is not sufficiently dense and hard. The use of an inox spatule avoids darkening or discoloration of the surface, but a certain amount of trowel will still darken the surface. During use, the trowel sharpens, so care must be taken when handling the laundry due to the risk of accident.

Do your tools require any special maintenance or handling?
Favorit tools do not require any maintenance or handling, but they must be cleaned thoroughly during and after use, otherwise the concrete will bind to them and render them unsuitable for quality work. To do this, it is advisable to keep a bucket full of water in the work area and change the water.

On the lower floor of our house, we design concrete for walls and substrates as well. Do you want to start with the walls or the substrate?
When a Favorit concrete coating is applied to both walls and floors in a room, we always work from the top down.

How to prevent cracking of Glettbeton coating?
The Glettbeton coating does not crack by itself at the required thickness, but cracking may occur when applied in a thickness of 5 mm or more. Also, cracking may occur if the base layer is inadequate and / or moving, or if there is a technology or execution problem.

We would like to cover a bar counter with Glettbeton, but we are afraid that the edges will not be nice. What do you suggest to get a smooth, smooth surface or edges, corners?
For edges, it is recommended that the edge guard or the cover skirt be used to close the cover. Using the edge protector can save you time, as edging is a difficult, time-consuming operation. Ideally, both sides of edges and holsters are stroked in one step to achieve aesthetic edge training. Edges and hollows should be formed with a special edge-drawing tool to ensure a uniform material thickness and perfect coverage. It's a good idea to do this at the beginning of your work and adjust to it. After drying, 80 ° to 120 ° sanding paper can be used to carefully smooth and round the edges by carefully moving it in two opposite directions.

How to use masking tape when making Glettbevon coating?
When applying plaster, the other side of the edge must be masked with adhesive tape before changing the direction of the surface. After masking, do not leave the masking tape on the surface as the concrete will cure, it sticks to the surface and is very difficult to remove the coating by destroying it. If masking is omitted, more material will need to be processed on the edge to allow both sides to work together and completely cover the material, but this will not result in even layer thickness at the edge.

In multi-step construction, masking tape should be applied to seal the coated surface and removed immediately after finishing the work. When applying the same layer, if the next stroke starts before the previous surface is completely dry, apply a wide strip of adhesive tape, for example blowing with a hairdryer to speed up drying due to the masking tape being applied. Another possible method is to start the application not on the finished section, but on the opposite side. This allows more time for the concrete to dry.

Need dilation in Glettbeton?
Assuming continuous execution, Glettbeton itself does not require the formation of a dilatation gap. If there is a dilatation gap on the substrate, it is also necessary to form it in the Glettbeton.

Can I apply Glettbeton in 3 coats or is it too much?
In heavily articulated, hard-to-reach areas, it may be appropriate to apply 3 coats to the surface as relatively much improvement is required.

I would like to cover a large walking surface with Glettbeton, which cannot be done in a day. Will the joint appear on the coating?
The use of dilatation gaps allows for multiple steps to be performed so that a discreet and aesthetic strip will appear.

As a practicing paver I will first work with Glettbeton. I would like to ask you in advance how many layers to apply to get the perfect coverage and how each layer behaves, so what should you be mindful of?
Favorit Glettbeton is an excellent material as it is very thin, approx. It can be applied in a thickness of 2-3 mm, thus preserving the original cover without significant additional thickness. Usually the final coating is applied in 2 layers. On highly articulated surfaces, where even, smooth surface formation is difficult, a third coat may be required. In high heat, the first layer may suck the resin from the second layer. A solution to this is to apply the first layer as well. If the second coat is applied too early, the top coat may absorb (suck) some of the moisture from the first coat, which may cause the coating to stain.

Do I have to keep a minimum drying time of 24 hours after applying the first layer of Glettbeton?
As a general rule, depending on temperature and relative humidity, drying time may decrease. When applying Glettbeton, at higher temperatures, so-called "dry" It is also permissible to use the "wet-wet" method, when we do not wait for the first layer to dry completely, but when the material has begun to “pull”, a second layer is applied at a certain stage of drying. This method can save significant time, but because of its high practical experience, we recommend it only to a limited extent. The "wet-wet" method is not applicable to walkways.

We have to cover the base of our client's hundreds of square meters of retail space with Favorit Glettbeton. The work is expected to take several days. How to apply concrete?
When applying Glettbeton to the pavement, the direction of work must be planned before starting work as it is not possible to step on the paved surface.

If you are covering a larger surface with strips, it is advisable to leave more material at the edge of the concrete strip so that in the next phase the two concrete sections meet, avoiding striping. Each concrete strip should start on the same side of the room to ensure the same drying time for the concrete sections. All bands should be wide in width for easy access when smoothing. When dilatation is complete, always finish concreting the section designed for the day.

I want maximum protection for our kitchen countertop Glettbeton, how and with what material can it be achieved?
We recommend the use of Favorit Premium two-component varnish. Stronger, longer lasting protection can be achieved by applying two coats of paint, first applying a glossy varnish and then, after drying, applying a glossy varnish as desired on the second coat (matte, silky, high gloss).

It is not necessary to protect the lacquer on the walls, but it is recommended to use Favorit Wax protective coating on walking surfaces. This gradual wear layer should be replaced every 3 to 6 months, depending on use. 

Favorit Optimum lacquer is breathable and the coating can dry. Favorit Premium Varnish is non-breathable so it seals the coated surface and cannot dry. Therefore, if the lacquer is applied too early, the surface of the coating may become stained.

How can I make the Glettbeton coating last longer?
The finishing of the upper layer should be done with a small spatule, in a circular motion. This operation mimics the work of industrial grinders and the effect they produce.